Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Life, WoW, and More Eudaimonea Cravings

About 3-4 months ago I quit playing World of Warcraft. When I used to play there'd be days where I would run from my car to the computer. I had the coolest system in the world worked out one time my parents went on a trip. I brought in a giant comfy chair and then got blankets and food and had my laptop and my PC set up. It was like Heaven on Earth. The sad thing is, that I'm not exaggerating the emotions I felt. Complete escape. Porn is nothing by comparison. WoW has left a hole in me in a sense. Not in terms of gaming, but something bigger. It's acceptance, friendship, community, entertainment, excitement. All of these things, through a game. No wonder it's so addicting.

After I would get everything done for school and work etc, and then go home, I could play and it would be Eudaimonea/Happiness. I am constantly searching for it, but at times I'm just trying to minimalize pain and gain a few shadow pleasures (to speak in the Republican language of Plato), but tonight I'm craving Eudaimonea. I need to escape from the grim reality, I need a new beginning.

But I'm just going to go to bed instead, and hope for the best, and maybe one day I'll find something else to give me Eudaimonea.

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