Friday, December 12, 2008


I decided to put up a sunrise for the photo on this blog because right now I'm just enjoying the dawning of a new day. The semester is over, I've worked as hard as I could, and I am once again strongly feeling Catholic and orthodox. I feel like I'm ready again to be happy for a while and am enjoying the little bit of time I have between today and my tuesday exam, and then after that winter break.

I think I would've made a good pagan because I LOVE astronomy and planets and stars and the sun. Stars are my favourite. But I think the Sun helps me to survive. (aside from the whole heat keeping the temperature right etc) But every morning there's a new sunrise and it makes me realize that - as the phrase goes - today is the first day of the rest of your life (unless it's the day you die - as American Beauty pointed out). There is something refreshing about nature and for me something comforting about the fact that we are a speck in the universe and that the cosmos will continue even if I ended up dropping out of school or dying or anything, life will go on. That comforts me, and to quote Will Ferrell as Harry Carey - I guess I'm just a worrier. ...that's why my friends call me whiskers ... (watch the SNL clip and you'll get it).

Have a good day, may the Sol Invictus (the Unconquerable Sun - who's festival is on Dec 25) shine on you - in a purely metaphorical and unpagan way. Or just to use the phrase of the Ancients and World of Warcraft - May the Eternal Sun Shine on You.

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