Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This Last Year

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. " - Martin Luther King

I have had a bad year. I'm much more depressed, 40 pounds heavier, and more confused about the future. Things have been hard this year.

But on the positive side, things haven't been all bad. I've found a good Church, I'm becoming Catholic which makes me happy, I've learned more history, and I've had a good reunion with my friends. I've read lots of good philosophy and theology, and I can quote bible verses like there's no tomorrow. And I had 2 good girlfriends for a while (Though Sarah and I broke up I think in January) and Hannah dumped me after less than 48 hours heh. That sucked. alot. But anyway.

I need to remember the first quote of Dr. King though this coming year. On the way home I was thinking of all my faillures and the sad night I had of which the high was two pity kisses on the cheek from drunken girls and which the low was having a girl tell me my personality was so bad I had to have been drunk. But I can't just focus on the negative, I have to push on. So this past year has been, with good times and bad, love, and depression, and then more depression....and then a bit more. But as the Japanese say: "Fall seven times, stand up eight".


dfast said...

well to be fair, you were kinda ragging on her personality too.

A said...

not her personality, just her attitude of distain for us and the entire evening, though I disdain(distain? or disdain? i dunno) lots of things as well.

challengerta said...

I'd take it as a compliment. If alcohol is to amplify a personality, and you had none. I think that says that you have a pretty strong personality.

...Sounds like a good thing to me.